We Stand Stronger in Community

With the difficulty and isolation of the past few years that we’ve all endured, one of the things that people value and prioritize now more than ever is community. Naturally, humans need to feel as though they belong to a family, a tribe. Ironically, one of the things we can do that will benefit the tribe of humanity the best is to meditate because when we do so we stop acting from an egoic place and start to feel ourselves as part of the larger whole.

Meditation may seem like such a solitary activity, but it doesn’t have to be. Just like a yoga class where everyone is experiencing a personal benefit, albeit in tandem with others and therefore growing both personally and together, so too people who meditate in groups can also grow personally while also together with a group.

Through the Covid isolations, precautions which limit in-person gatherings, and lockdowns due to the pandemic, the human family has shown remarkable resiliency and ingenuity by learning to nonetheless find community through mediums like Zoom. Of course we’d all love to be in person with our yoga and meditation classes, and while some of these have resumed (I led a glorious retreat in-person retreat in Bordeaux this year), a happy byproduct of this forced online connection is that we’ve become more comfortable building a truly global community. My sweet mother-in-law in Utah takes harp lessons from her teacher in Scotland thanks to both of them becoming more comfortable with technology because of the pandemic.

It seems that it took the loneliness of isolating in our own homes to realize that we actually have such a ready and vast connection to the larger human family. For example, during my weekly live Yoga Nidra classes on Zoom, it’s commonplace to have people attending live and watching the replay from several different countries, continents, and time zones.

The power of meditating in groups is astounding and demonstrated by some unbelievable but true stats from peer-reviewed articles. One statistic shows that in communities where people have meditated as a group (groups of like 1200 people), the murder and homicide rates decreased by a whopping 28.4%. (Click here to read the article). Plus, the benefits of regular meditation practice has a ripple effect and doesn’t just stop when you stop meditating. And even with smaller groups who meditate together, there is an incredible power given to families or friends who all commit to meditate for a particular cause, like the wellbeing of a person, people, or the environment.

Individuals also benefit from meditating together. People who meditate as a close group of friends or family, whether in the same place or time or not, are more committed to doing a practice as well as feel a greater sense of purpose in the practice.

I’m beginning a meditation group for the month of January and I’d be honored if you would join. Will you join my global meditation community who will all be meditating every day during the month of January during my 31-Day Meditation Challenge? The challenge is simply to meditate every day for 15 minutes or more in any style and at any time you wish. You may not be in the same room, time zone, or even continent as the others in our meditation family but knowing that we are all around the world meditating at different times during the day will make a connection to us all that will likely be palpable.

If you are new to the practice of meditation, the energy of our global meditation family will buoy you up as you start this new healthy habit. Plus, I’ll be giving you resources, support, and instruction every step of the way. If you are already a regular meditator, your energy and experience will contribute to the power of us all.

To emphasize the important community element of this challenge, I’ll be hosting a live, online meditation on New Year’s day to kick it off. Plus, once a week, I’ll host a global meditation where we can all log in from different parts of the globe to see and meet each other as well as meditate together. This is in addition to the daily email you’ll receive with encouragement, interesting articles, and specialized meditations. This challenge will be powerful, positive, and fun.

I am so excited to do this 31-Day Meditation Challenge and I want YOU to be a part of our mediation group. The last time I hosted this challenge people joined from all over the world: The US, England, Ireland, Belgium, France, Spain, Canada, Columbia, Iceland, The Philippines, and many other countries. Where do you live? Join and represent your region, city, or country and join our global mediation community.

Also, do you know of others who you’d like to join with you? Invite them along and make your own meditation posse. Many past participants have taken it upon themselves to build their own meditation groups, friends and family who all register together to support and encourage each other in this worthy endeavor. I can assure you that you will grow together as a group or family if you do.

Please reach out with any questions. I hope you’ll join this global mediation community.