Yoga Nidra for Sleep

I recently published an article on Yogi Times called: yoga nidra for sleep: unlocking the power of deep sleep

In this article I share exactly how Yoga Nidra helps you sleep better and offer a suggestion for a nighttime routine using Yoga Nidra that helps you create a wonderful sleep hygiene.

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My Decade Playlist

Scott Moore Yoga Nidra Training

What a year! What. A. Decade! (As I’m thinking about all that happened for me this decade, I gotta pause and do some Ujjayi breath or something… Ok, that’s better.)

I feel as if I lived at least 3 different lifetimes in the past decade. For me, though I love the idea, the jury is still out on the idea of reincarnation. However, I can assure you that I’ve lived several lives within this life. I feel like I was someone very different a decade ago.

Do you ever feel like this, that you were someone very different at the beginning of this decade?

If my past decade were a playlist, it might read like this:

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  1. Wanna be Startin’ Somethin by Michael Jackson

  2. Money for Nothin’ by the Dire Straights

  3. She Works Hard for The Money by Donna Summers

  4. Girlfriend In A Coma by The Smiths

  5. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Neil Sedaka

  6. Cry Me a River by Billie Holiday

  7. Losing My Religion by REM

  8. I Can See Clearly Now by Otis Redding

  9. I Got My Mojo Workin’ by Jimmy Smith

  10. One Bourbon, Once Scotch, and One Beer by John Lee Hooker

  11. Anthem by Leonard Cohen

  12. You Are The Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne

  13. This Must Be The Place by The Talking Heads

  14. Into The Mystic by Van Morrison

  15. Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

  16. The Lion The Beast and the Beat by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

  17. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin

  18. Don’t Fear The Reaper (More Cowbell!) by Blue Öyster Cult

  19. Feelin’ Good by Nina Simone

  20. Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman

  21. New York, New York by Frank Sinatra

  22. New York I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down by LDC Soundsystem

  23. Afternoon in Paris by John Lewis

  24. La Vie En Rose by Édith Piaf

  25. Timeless by John Abercrombie

  26. Suddhosi Buddhosi by Shimshai

  27. Clare de Lune by Claude Debussy

  28. All You Need is Love by The Beatles

What’s on your playlist for the past decade?

Does it ever feel like your decade playlist is playing too quickly or too slowly? One thing I’ve noticed is that when I’m really present, time doesn’t seem to move either fast or slow. When I’m not paying attention, it seems like life is moving at mach speeds. So, before another decade blazes by and all we feel is the wind blowing our hair as it passes, let’s start this year and decade by practicing presence.

Also, starting a new year and decade gives us a very unique opportunity to forge our path forward very mindfully and deliberately, charting the course toward our best decade EVER. There’s a saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”

For all these reasons I want to invite you to join me as we start this decade with a simple dedication to mindfulness. I invite you to meditate with me every day during the month of January for at least 15 minutes a day with my 31-Day Meditation challenge. Truly, this challenge has the ability to start this next chapter of your life with power and presence.

31-Day Meditation Challenge

The 31-Day Meditation Challenge is simple: meditate every day during the month of January for 15 minutes or more. That’s it. Choose whatever style of meditation works best for you. I’ll be supporting you every step of the way with emails filled with information and encouragement. I’ll also provide a resources page on my website with several links to guided meditations, explanations about different meditation styles, and links to poetry, blogs, and articles about meditation. For those new to meditation, this will lead you step by step through creating a simple yet effective meditation practice that may become a life practice. For those of you who are experienced meditators, this challenge gives you the opportunity to be doing your regular meditation in tandem with hundreds of other people, thus creating a cyber sangha. I believe that people meditating together can change the world. Let’s do it together!

This challenge costs $31 because in my experience, when there’s a buy-in, there’s a tendency to be more committed. I would even encourage you to enroll friends and family and create for yourself a mediation tribe for more accountability, support, and camaraderie. And, I’m so committed to your success that as an incentive to complete the challenge, everyone who finishes has the option to receive a 100% refund on their tuition. Boom, no joke.

To register CLICK HERE or the button below. It will take you to the registration on my website. Simply and fill out the form and pay your tuition. Then, forward this email or that page to anybody you’d love to have do this challenge with you. When you register, you’ll get a welcome email right away with all the details and you can start meditating today—why wait until the first of January? The official challenge begins January 1 and will last through the entire month. We will even have the opportunity to do some live meditations together via Zoom, an online meeting platform. If you've done this meditation challenge in the past, I'm offering all new content for the emails.

At only $31 there’s not much to lose but there’s so much to gain. Please consider joining me to start your year and decade off perfectly with regular mindfulness.

For those of you who purchased my book, Practical Yoga Nidra or my latest offering, Essential Yoga Nidra with Scott Moore: Volume 1, you could literally put on your favorite Yoga Nidra recording every day and feel your life open up before your eyes through this gentle but expansive practice.

As we go into this next decade it is my prayer that we do so from a grounded place of mindfulness and love. May we access the miraculous place of our hearts that gives us true and essential sight and may this heart-vision illuminate the best in others and ourselves. And may we allow this essential clarity to guide our lives in all our endeavors.

Thank you for being an important part of this last decade with me. I love you. It is my honest and sincere desire is that the playlist that presents itself for you over this next decade opens your heart, gives you pure delight, and makes you dance your ass off.

Distinguish yourself from the thousands of other yoga teachers with your ability to teach this transformative practice in YOUR own voice and not some rote script.

Meditation to Help You Sleep

I’ve been teaching meditation techniques to help sleep for 15 years and I’d like to share with you this very effective, and simple technique.

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Meditation To Help You Sleep

Tell me if this sounds familiar . . .  It’s 2:30 am. You’ve been lying in bed for hours feeling miserable, tired, and stressed because tomorrow (actually, just later today) you’ve got a very important day but you JUST. CAN’T. SLEEP. The more you lie there not sleeping, the more worried you get about not sleeping, and you start the downward spiral of sleeplessness. If you’re lucky, you might eventually fall asleep only to wake up from a few hours of fitted sleep, feeling exhausted. Or worse, you sleep like a mummy through your alarm and are late for your important day.

If this has ever happened to you, you’re not alone. Millions of people are plagued with the lack of good sleep. But what do you do? There are many solutions to sleeplessness, including drugs, cleaning up your diet, and cutting out caffeine, but have you considered meditation?

Meditation helps sleep for one very simple reason: presence.

ften times, we can’t sleep primarily because our minds are playing out the day we just had or are about to have. Our brain can’t tell the difference between real threat and perceived threat. The thoughts and worries about tomorrow make our nervous system react as if the threat were real and present.

Your nervous system doesn’t want you to sleep if there’s a perceived threat; you’ve evolved not to sleep through being stalked by a predator. Consequentially, thinking and worrying makes adrenaline starts to pump through your body, increases your heart rate, and makes your mind sharp and active. Thinking and worrying is the recipe for NOT sleeping.

Meditation’s primary objective is to allow you to get out of the past or future and inhabit the present moment ONLY. The more we practice regular presence through meditation, the more we are able to be present in every-day life. This presence will also train our minds to stay out of the past or future when we are trying to sleep.

Ok, that sounds great but how do I meditate? Here’s a very simple meditation practice that not only helps you to practice daily presence but can also help you get good, consistent sleep.

The Countdown Meditation 

Meditation to help you sleep

For every-day meditation, do the following:

  1. Set a timer for 5 minutes (you can extend the time the more you practice).
  2. Sit upright.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Watch your breath move in and out for a few rounds
  5. In your mind, start to count your breaths backward from the number 30, e.g., exhale “30,” inhale “29,” exhale “28,” etc.
  6. When you lose your count, start back at 30.
  7. When you get to zero, start back at 30.
  8. When the timer rings, you’re done.

It’s important to remember that the goal is presence, not getting to zero so it doesn’t matter if you go 3 times all the way from 30-0, nor does it matter if you start over 20 times.

For getting to sleep, do the following:

  1. Prepare for bed and do everything you need to prior to going to sleep.
  2. Brain dump. Before you climb into bed, set a timer for 2 minutes and on a notepad, write down all of the immediate things you have on your mind. Don’t let this go beyond 2 minutes lest this devolves into a fuel-for-worry fest.
  3. Fold up the paper and put it aside. Tell yourself that you don’t need to think or do anything about that list until tomorrow.
  4. Put the timer away.
  5. Lie down, turn off the light, and notice your breath for a few rounds.
  6. Start counting your breaths (just like the every-day version of Countdown) but start at 100.
  7. When any thoughts or worries come up, let them go knowing that you’ve already done your brain dump. Tell those thoughts that they should have presented themselves when you were writing them down, and start over counting your breath. If the stillness of mind reveals something that requires absolute immediate action, ask yourself if it REALLY needs immediate attention. If so, get up and do it quickly but then come back to bed and resume the Countdown Meditation at 100
  8. If you lose your count because you’re falling asleep, let go and enjoy the ride. Mission accomplished. We’ll see you in the morning, Sunshine. Don’t be surprised if you have to go a few times all the way through before you fall asleep. Most often, you’ll fall asleep during the first go.
Meditation to help you sleep

By practicing this simple meditation technique, you can help your mind be more present every day and train yourself into better, more regular, and deeper sleep.

I’d like to offer you a challenge to do the Countdown Meditation, either the every-day sitting or going to sleep version, for seven days, for at least 5 minutes a day. Write me at scott@scottmooreyoga and tell me how it went.

Join me for the yoga retreat of a lifetime along Southern Italy's Amalfi Coast May 26-June 2 2018