Digital Downloads = Instant Relief

Digital Downloads = Instant Relief

Whenever a friend tells me that their lower back is killing them, I send them a link to a prerecorded yoga class for lower-back care.

If someone tells me that they desperately need to find a way to chill the F@#% out, I send them my Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation recording. 

When I meet someone for the first time and they ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I’m a yoga & meditation teacher, author, and mentor. They usually look at me for a long moment, while their mind is churning away and not saying what they are thinking which is likely some version of, “People do that for a living?!” 

When they do regain their faculty of speech, they almost always respond with either a desire to try (or pick up again) yoga, meditation, breathwork, or relaxation techniques. Then, I send them an audio recording, video, or link to my website to try a practice. 

What better business card could I have? 

My point is that digital products can be both instant solutions for people who need your mad skills and a great way to demonstrate your abilities to people who want to pay you for them. 

Consider all the ways you could benefit the world with your ideas.

My best Digital product to date!

Here’s a short list of things you could put out there that people not only NEED but are willing to pay for:

  • Courses about your niche skills

  • Meditations and Yoga Nidra recordings

  • Affirmations

  • Recipes

  • Lecture series

  • Journals


  • Your 7-day (fill in the blank) challenge

  • Chanting, mantras, prayers

  • Singing

  • Astrological readings

  • Your insider’s guide to your favorite places 

  • Poetry

  • Photography

  • Art work

  • Coaching

  • How-to video series

Digital Products Help YOU

It’s true, you can help so many people with your digital products. But there’s someone else who you can help with your digital products … YOU!

For a lot of people, especially teachers of all kinds, work can be seasonal. One of the things I teach my mentor students is to create variable streams of income so that when one part of your business is slow, other parts can remain constant or pick up the slack. 

Plus, when work is steady but you are also selling your digital products quietly in the background, you’re truly maximizing your income. 

If you’re a teacher, there’s only so many classes you can teach in a day. There’s no limit to how many people can download your stuff online. Why not do both and give yourself the freedom to reach more people around the world while maximizing your income?

Offering digital products has been an absolute game-changer for my career, my reach as a teacher, and my students’ ability to pick up what I’m putin’ down. 

Please join my live, online digital products workshop Sunday, May 21st 2021. I’m recording it in case you can’t join live but want to watch the replay. You’ll learn simple, actionable skills to not only help you get your skills into the hands of people who need them, but it will also be a valuable investment into your future. 

I hope to see you there!