More Merry Than a Santa Claus Pub Crawl

We are right in the thick of the Holidays and despite the crazy that seems to exist in the world right now and especially because of the holidays, I’m nonetheless feeling more merry than a Santa Claus pub-crawl.

Earlier in the week I announced that I’d be coming home to Salt Lake City mid-January. Thank you to everyone for your supportive emails and warm wishes, it warmed my heart and I really, really appreciate it.

Also in that email I mentioned some of my upcoming projects, and today I’m thrilled to tell you about two projects that I’ve been working hard on that I hope will help you to end this year, and start the next, with clarity, calm, and ease

The first is Essential Yoga Nidra with Scott Moore: Volume 1, a volume of over 7 hours of 15 different digital Yoga Nidra recordings that you can download immediately to help you source your best self.

Many of you bought my book which invites you to design your own Yoga Nidra practice. I've also had many requests from my students for easy-access pre-recorded Yoga Nidra meditations, so if this sounds like you, then I'd like to invite you to check out my Essential Yoga Nidra with Scott Moore Vol. 1 and immediately start napping your way to enlightenment!

I took the most commonly requested topics for these recordings, and I'm thrilled with how this project turned out. Each of the 15 recordings use Yoga Nidra’s powerful yet relaxing style of cultivating Awareness to help you live a more authentic, powerful, and happy life. These recordings are specifically designed to help you with every-day issues like: managing stress, getting better sleep, feeling grounded, starting your day, developing compassion, developing abundance, accomplishing goals, and more.

I’d love if you would take a look and give yourself the gift of Essential Yoga Nidra with Scott Moore Vol. 1 this season. Or, if you know someone who would enjoy this, you can gift it to them with a special message from you.

31-day meditation challenge

The other thing I’m so excited for is my 31-Day Meditation Challenge. Every time I run the Meditation Challenge I get so much glowing feedback about the community, the accountability, and the support that this challenge creates, I can't think of a better way to start off 2020 and the new decade!

The challenge is simple. Just meditate in any fashion you wish for 15 minutes a day, every day. That’s it. I’ll be cheering you on with tons of support and encouragement with regular emails that will give you plenty of information and ideas for meditating and explaining different styles of meditation. This is excellent for both the novice and the experienced meditator.

If you bought my book, Practical Yoga Nidra, or downloaded Essential Yoga Nidra with Scott Moore Volume 1, you’ve basically got this meditation challenge in the bag; just settle into a relaxing, daily Yoga Nidra practice led by yours truly and watch your life evolve before your eyes.

The challenge costs just $31 but as an incentive to finish the challenge, if you complete the challenge you have the option to get a full refund of your tuition. Boom! I've even had many people in the past uplevel the challenge by enrolling with a meditation tribe to do together for inner-circle support and accountability.

I hope you'll join us!

Lastly. . . . um . . . I don't know how to tell you this but . . . I think gentle honesty is the best way to say it . . . your nearest and dearest have contacted me and they've asked me to stage an intervention. Apparently, the holidays and crazy political stuff has turned you into, well, maybe not your most centered and grounded self so they've asked (insisted, rather) that something be done. Luckily, this Sunday, December 22nd at 9 am MST I’ll be hosting my weekly, live and online Yoga Nidra class where this week we will be using breathing, mindfulness, and especially Yoga Nidra to offer others the best gift of the holidays, A STRESS-FREE VERSION OF YOU. It cost $12 drop-in or you could buy a pass of 4 classes for $40 (if the condition is chronic). You'll thank you and your family with thank you. See you Sunday at 9 am MST.