Hafiz For The Win

It's a special day. It's 2/22/22, on a 2sday, no less. Did you know I'm a twin (true story)?

But if you read my piece on Love Notes and Chocolates, you might remember the story I shared that illustrates how in the cosmos of yoga and spirit and love, pairs are merely tools that ultimately illuminate the One.

I once had a dream, more like a vision, where God and I were both these enormous, luminous, winged creatures, perfect mirror images of each other, and we leaned into each other, pressed our foreheads together, and wrapped our wings around each other as we formed a cocoon of Oneness. Also a true story.

The illusion of separateness is what prevents us from seeing the truth, that all is One, yet I believe that we need practices like yoga, meditation, and of course the painful yet joyful teacher of life to illuminate that truth.

If you've ever held a baby, been held in the arms of a lover, or held the hand of a loved one as they left this world, perhaps you too know something of this Oneness.

14th century Sufi lyrical poet Hafiz was certainly an enlightened being and clearly understood the this truth about oneness and wrote about it incessantly with playful, provocative, and adoring poetry. After all, as the late great lyrical poet Leonard Cohen says, "If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash."

So, in regards to the world of 2s, in the end, it's Hafiz for the win …

May we all learn laugh at the word two as we wind the circuitous path toward ONE.