Yoga Nidra for Sleep

How are you?

I’m really pleased to let you know that I recently published an article on Yogi Times called: yoga nidra for sleep: unlocking the power of deep sleep

In this article I share exactly how Yoga Nidra helps you sleep better and offer a suggestion for a nighttime routine using Yoga Nidra that helps you create a wonderful sleep hygiene.

I discuss insomnia and other sleep disorders and how Yoga Nidra can come to the rescue.

I even offer a link to a FREE Yoga Nidra door hanger that you can post outside your door to alert people,

“Shhh! I’m napping my way to enlightenment.”

Take a look and let me know what you think! Here’s a teaser …

Yoga Nidra for sleep | Yoga practice is often associated with effortful yoga postures, sweaty yoga mats, and stretchy pants that cost their weight in gold. But what if you could practice a style of yoga that doesn’t even require you to get out of bed?

No pants, no poses, no problem.

And speaking of doing yoga in bed, what if this style of yoga practice could massively improve your life by training you to get regular and deep relaxation, improve your sleep onset (ability to fall asleep), and improve the quality of your sleep by helping you sleep longer and deeper?

What if there was a practice that could help you establish a healthy sleep routine so you could enjoy life feeling energized, alert, and ready to take on your day?