How Do You Impact The World?

You make an impact on the world by how you spend your time each day. Whether it’s working at a vocation, caring for family, or simply attending to daily necessities, you make an impact on the world.

We all make an impact on the world but how are you contributing your gifts toward a positive impact on the world?

The saying, “Chop wood, carry water” points to the fact that your daily work, whether it’s for a job, family, or to simply make sure the dishes are done and the dog is fed, can serve as a pathway to your own awakening into becoming your highest being.

Good work also can help us to see hidden gifts we didn’t know we had.

For me, teaching yoga and meditation has helped me to understand and develop certain gifts I didn’t know that I had. It wasn’t until I began doing this as a career that I realized how much it served me to serve people. I consider it a great privilege to help people journey toward their best selves through these practices and I didn’t realize how perfect of a profession this would be for me until I was well into my career.

You may or may not teach yoga or mediation. You may not teach anything. Still, you surely have gifts that the world needs in order to be a better place. Your gifts for the world matter. They may be private or public—we don’t all need to be Oprah to make a positive impact on the world—but you have something to teach or share with the world.

What are your gifts for the world? What are those well-known or lesser-known skills, passions, and talents you possess that can make the world a better place? Drop me a line and brag about yourself for a moment. Come on, what are you really, really good at?

How can you share your gifts with the world?

During my career as a teacher of yoga and meditation, I first learned how to master my craft, then discovered how to work smarter rather than harder, and finally how to scale my offerings to broadcast it to the world to make the greatest possible impact. Of course, I’m always learning how to do all three of these better—I’m constantly learning how to step into my role as a teacher. And while I’m always learning, I feel very fortunate to make a GREAT living doing what I love, to have the freedom to live anywhere in the world as I do it, and to spend tons of time with my family.

I’d like to teach you how to do the same.

If you’d like to explore how to leverage your personal talents, gifts, and passions to become more visible in the world and make a positive impact, please consider joining me for my Conscious Entrepreneur workshop happening Saturday, October 30th from 9 am to 12 pm MDT. I’ll be recording the workshop so even if you can’t make it, you can always watch the replay.

In this informative, interactive, and fascinating workshop, we’ll explore how to become a Conscious Entrepreneur by making a positive impact on the world while also making or improving your monthly income.

You’ll learn 5 essential steps to lay the foundation of how to make a positive impact on the world by sharing more of yourself, your gifts, and talents with the world.

We’ll start by doing some meditation to inquire into your heart and discover exactly what your gifts are and how to share them. You’ll make a list of your strengths and talents and outline who your ideal student is, what their needs might be, and how your unique skills and talents can possibly help them.

Then, you’ll learn how to discover and/or broadcast your message, how to effectively become discoverable by those people who are searching for what you offer. You’ll also learn about your role as someone with a gift which is to help them step up and become a better version of themselves.

You’ll learn about the essential principle of how to discover the simplest, most actionable way of contributing to the world, how to act efficiently, and then how to scale it as it grows.

We’ll explore the essential principle of establishing and nourishing a relationship between you and your students or client by simply offering them what you do best. When you simply do you, people will discover you and feel as if they just found something they’ve been searching for their entire lives. Plus, you’ll be making a massive impact in the world by doing what comes completely naturally for you.

We’ll even discuss the basics about websites, SEO, newsletters, and even creating digital products to start to make passive income, all the while making a positive impact on the world.

You’ll learn how to grow your audience from dozens into thousands.

Included in this workshop:

  • Private 30-minute Zoom consultation

  • Audio/Video Recording to watch or review whenever you wish

  • Detailed PDF with a detailed manual including the outline of our discussion

  • Starter Guide: a detailed, step-by-step method to get your business up and running or to improve your existing business

  • Ideas about what’s next for your business

  • Information on integrating systems to automate your business

  • Connections with other professionals in your domain

  • Exciting new ideas about what’s possible for your business

This workshop could be an essential investment in your ability to make the world a better place by learning how to offer it more of only what you can share. Remember that you can still register and watch the replay, even if the timing doesn’t work for you.

The world is waiting. Will you join me?

Some scholarships may be available.

Saturday, October 30th from 9 am to 12 pm MDT. Zoom. Recorded.