The Yoga of The New Year

new year yoga

This is going to be your best year yet!

As you begin this new year, I invite you to muster the courage to dream big. Really big. 

What is something you’ve always wanted to do, become, or complete? 

You have a Universe inside of you. You’re made of Source and as such, have the potential to accomplish and receive all things. 

Your spirit is indomitable. Your creativity, limitless. Don’t be afraid to imagine what is possible for you in 2024. 

This is the imaginative and spiritual part of growing into the next version of yourself but it doesn’t stop there. Just dreaming, hoping, and scheming won’t get you there. 

Next, since we aren’t ONLY spiritual beings, since we are spirit married to physical, practical beings—give your dreams some legs by mapping out in realistic terms how to accomplish those dreams. 

Remember to start small knowing it will grow into something big. 

If you want to run a marathon but haven’t been running in a while, have enough foresight to start by walking, then running/walking, then running. Commit to being in it for the long-term which means that there will be ups and downs. 

Don’t give up when things don’t work out the way you’d hoped. It’s just another chance for calibration and learning. 

Because at the end of the day, it’s not about accomplishing your goal. 

Not really. 

It’s about who you become in the process. 

Accomplishing your goal is just the happy byproduct. 

Whatever you dream up for 2024, having a regular meditation practice is of the first order. It clarifies, relaxes, and hones your body, mind, and spirit. It’s like the underlying framework for all other work to be done. 

Why New Year's Resolutions Go Nowhere

I’ve always hated New Year’s. 


  • Drunk people

  • The cold 

  • Feeling tired

What if there were a different way?

New Year’s resolutions too often devolve into premeditated disappointments and we go back to business as usual.  Why is that? It’s because in order to make lasting change, we have to change our fundamental state of mind and stage of consciousness? Like Einstein said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” 

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Meditation: One of the Most Important Little Big Things

It’s time to recommit to doing a little bit of essential self-care, the kind that helps you be at your best. Cuz we all know that it’s those little things that we do regularly for ourselves that eventually turn into the big things, the things that help us live the kind of lives we want to live and be the kind of people we need to be.

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Each Other's Business: Scrooge and Yoga Nidra

At very least, exploring A Christmas Carol through the filter of Yoga Nidra may help us to appreciate this story anew and add a deeper insight and meaning into this well-worn story. It may help us to reflect upon our own awakening that can happen at any time of the year. And I think what I’m really angling at here is that this story illuminates so perfectly how the altered state of sleep can catalyze a massive change in spirit which can lift us from our habitual, broken way of being and help us wake up to the truth that we are all One, that veritably we are each other’s business.

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White-Eyes—Seeing The Divine In Everything

Today, I want share one of my favorite winter poems, White-Eyes by Mary Oliver. 

First of all, if you haven’t already, ‘tis the season to sign up for my 31-Day Meditation Challenge. It starts January 1 and lasts all through the month. The challenge is simply to meditate any way you wish for 15 minutes a day, every day for the entire month. I’ll be supporting you every step of the way with daily emails, live group meditations sessions, and plenty of recordings, poetry, links, and stories to make the experience very rich. 

Give the world a gift by practicing drawing inward, getting quiet in heart and mind, so you can present a YOU that is more mindful, less reactive, and rooted in compassion. 

It costs only $31 and you can get your tuition back if you complete the challenge. Make a meditation posse and sign up!

Onto the poem!

Mary Oliver

What I love so much about Mary Oliver's poetry is that so often in her poetry she is speaking to the eternal, the Everything, God, or the Universe by simply reflecting what she sees in nature.

And like in her poem “Bone” I love how she willingly admits that she doesn't fully know what God is but is "playing at the edges of knowing" and that perhaps it’s not about knowing at all, but rather it’s about “seeing, touching, and loving.”

It’s about being present with senses and heart.

Through her poetry, Mary Oliver helps us all to create a touchpoint to the Divine that is present both in our outer and inner worlds and opens us to seeing, touching, and loving as she steers us away from trying to make it all make sense. 

Her poem White-Eyes is about seeing the Divine in something as simple yet complex as the wind dancing through the tree tops and the snow silently drifting down from the heavens. It’s an exposé about how with the “right eyes” or with attuned sight, we might be able to see the loving Divine present in all things.

I hope you enjoy it. 


white-eyes mary oliver


In winter

all the singing is in

         the tops of the trees

          where the wind-bird

with its white eyes

shoves and pushes

         among the branches.

          Like any of us

he wants to go to sleep,

but he's restless—

         he has an idea,

          and slowly it unfolds

best yoga nidra teacher training

from under his beating wings

as long as he stays awake.

         But his big, round music, after all,

          is too breathy to last.

So, it's over.

In the pine-crown

         he makes his nest,

          he's done all he can.

I don't know the name of this bird,

I only imagine his glittering beak

         tucked in a white wing

          while the clouds—

which he has summoned

from the north—

         which he has taught

          to be mild, and silent—

thicken, and begin to fall

into the world below

         like stars, or the feathers

               of some unimaginable bird

that loves us,

that is asleep now, and silent—

         that has turned itself

          into snow.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what this poem says to you.

Drop me a line, I read every email I get. 

May we all be our best by remember those essential phrases:

  • I love you.

  • I’m sorry.

  • How can I help?

Live Classes, In-person and Online:

new years yoga salt lake city

Yoga Retreats 2024

Yoga for Runners

I recently wrote a blog for Hugger Mugger about yoga and running. It was fun to write and I wanted to give you a snippet here with the option to check out the full article on their blog.

Yoga and Running

Forever, I’ve heard that yoga and running just don’t mix but I don’t believe that to be true. I’ve had runners tell me that doing yoga hurts their running and yogis tell me that running hurts their yoga.

Personally, I’ve been running and doing yoga most of my life and I understand how both practices complement each other. This article focuses on how yoga can help your running practice and perhaps I’ll write another article about how running helps your yoga practice.

Do you run and practice yoga? I’d love to hear from you about your experiences with both. Leave a comment below or reach out here.

Here is the article.

yoga and running


Growing up, I was never very athletic. I never really enjoyed team sports. I was average at baseball, soccer, and basketball—scrawny and uncoordinated. I didn’t even bother to try out for football. 

But early on, I discovered a love for running and have been running most of my life. I found joy in running, not in running the fastest or the longest but rather just in the running itself. For me, the joy comes from the solitude of a long run and from the full-body movement of running, especially when I manage a comfortable and sustainable pace. Running also clears my mind and often even feels spiritual to me. Growing up, I never felt better than during and after a long run, especially a trail run.

That is, until I discovered yoga. 

When I started practicing yoga in my early 20s I was excited to discover another activity that wasn’t a competitive sport and also left me feeling as good in body, mind, and spirit the way running did. But when I told my yoga friends that in addition to practicing yoga I also enjoyed running, they’d often raise their eyebrows above their bindi and matter-of-factly inform me that yoga and running just don’t mix. Yet as someone who does both I beg to differ. On the contrary, yoga has improved my running and has kept me running well and largely injury-free for decades. 

In many ways running has improved my yoga practice by giving me more stamina, focus, and breath capacity. However, in this article I want to explore some of the many ways that yoga can benefit runners and how incorporating yoga into your training routine can make a significant difference in your enjoyment, performance, and longevity of your running.



One of the biggest benefits of yoga for runners is better flexibility. Running primarily involves repetitive movements in a forward direction which almost always leads to tight muscles. Tight muscles contribute to reduced range of motion which means that the tighter a runner’s muscles get, the more effort they have to use to make their body move. Yoga postures stretch and lengthen muscles and help runners enjoy greater flexibility and mobility, a benefit that feels like  finally, someone has released the parking brake on your running. 

Love What You Love

Previously I thought that to be liked, to be appreciated, or to be successful in this life (read career) I was supposed to demonstrate some superhuman skills or talent and be like Michael Jackson or Prince or Beyonce, or something. 

I thought I was supposed to be some sort of yoga Rockstar to be liked, appreciated, and successful.

Instead, what I’ve learned over the course of my career is that success is 100% reliant on my ability to connect with my heart and to learn how to share that with the world. 

That’s it. 

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Become a Leader In Your Field: Teach Yoga Nidra

Who Should Teach Yoga Nidra?

best yoga nidra training

Want to stand out as a yoga or meditation teacher? 
Teach Yoga Nidra.

Want to be an extraordinary therapist with a powerful resource that can access ANY client’s deepest needs? 
Teach Yoga Nidra. 

Want to be the kind of school teacher who can meet, welcome, then and neutralize stress and anxiety of your students? 
Teach Yoga Nidra. 

Want to learn how to guide a team to unheard of levels of performance? 
Teach Yoga Nidra.

Want to help yourself and others resource their next-level creativity?
Teach Yoga Nidra. 

Want to learn how to make lasting changes in relationships for yourself and others?
Teach Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra is an efficient and effective catalyst for massive personal and group growth. 

Truly, anybody can do it. 

That said, learning to be a skillful facilitator, one who can speak from the power of their own voice to meet the individual needs of their clients, is rare indeed. 

My passion is not only to teach you about what Yoga Nidra is and why it’s so crucial for today’s world, but more importantly how to uncover the incredible facilitator that is already inside of you, the one who knows how to make a massive and positive impact on your audience in ONLY the way you know how. 

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

My live, in-person Yoga Nidra training runs August 17–20, 2023 in Salt Lake City. Please, walk, run, fly, or teleport to Salt Lake City and join us. It will be such an honor to work with you.

If you’re not close to SLC (or your teleport machine is in the shop), now’s the time to join my pre-recorded online Yoga Nidra teacher training program. 

I’d love to have you join me in this conversation of understanding ourselves and making a powerful and positive impact on the world by learning to facilitate Yoga Nidra and learning to Wake Up with the Yoga of Sleep. 

best yoga nidra teacher training

Scott Moore (E-RYT 500, YACEP, RYS) is an American-born international yoga and Yoga Nidra teacher, mentor, and author. He’s been a career yoga teacher since 2003 and has logged over 25,000 teaching and training hours. He is the founder of Waking Up with the Yoga of Sleep, a method of Yoga Nidra instruction and teacher training which celebrates students and teachers in 43 countries. He is the author of three books, Practical Yoga Nidra, 5-Minute Manifesting Journal, and 20 Yoga Nidra Scripts Vol. 1. Scott teaches trainings, classes, and retreats in the US, Europe, and Asia and is currently living in Southern France. When he’s not practicing or teaching yoga, he loves to play the sax and clarinet, trail run, and travel with his family. 

Yoga Nidra Training: Unlock The Power of Relaxation

Are you ready to deepen your practice, discover lasting inner peace, and learn the art of guiding others to profound relaxation and deep healing? I’m thrilled to invite you to my Live Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, a transformative journey that will elevate your understanding of this ancient yogic practice and empower you to share its benefits with the world.

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Stages and States of Consciousness

So how does Yoga Nidra help a person, “wake up?”

A simple truth that Yoga Nidra explores in its gentle model of illumination is how relaxation and layered Awareness aids us learn to welcome, recognize, and witness every object that life gives us and that all objects are pointers to ultimate Truth. Yoga Nidra facilitates an easy change of our mind state, one of deep relaxation, as we welcome, recognize, and witness objects coming and going through our Awareness. Regularly practicing changing our mind state in Yoga Nidra provides a pathway for upward stage development of consciousness. One develops in stage consciousness and typically does not return back to lower stages of consciousness. In other words, it is difficult to “un-know” or “un-experience” your true magnificence of Being.

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Yoga Teachers Are Human, Too

Several years ago I was teaching a yoga class, we’d just finished savasana and as everyone was sitting there, the yoga glow radiating off of their faces, I ended yoga class by preaching to everyone, “May we all apply the peace, calm, and centeredness of our practice into our daily lives to make the world a better place because we practice yoga. Namaste.”

Little did I realize how much this little speech applied to ME … 

… and how quickly I’d be tested to apply that invitation. 

Seconds after leaving the studio …

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Writing To Discover

“Are you STILL talking?!”Send an email and let’s start practicing.”

I love to teach. 

I love to share with a group of students what I’m studying and practicing in that fascinating intersection between our humanness and our beingness and how we can practice being at that intersection with yoga and meditation. 

I feel that teaching is an honor and a privilege. 

But there was a time when rather than teaching, what I was really doing was abusing my students with information. 

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The News Is Consuming You: Tending To Our Subtle Body

For many, the news is a very important component in their everyday lives. But it can also be an insidious energy drain. Bringing some consciousness around our news consumption can help us remain informed while also keeping us feeling alive, optimistic, and vibrant. 

This quote from Wendell Berry suggests what’s possible if we are mindful with our news consumption:

“Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.”

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Um … It's About Your Friends

I’m taking on an important subject: Tending to the Subtle Body, how to care for your energy to avoid feeling depleted, defeated, and dark and to keep you feeling alive, awake, and actionable. 

Today, I’m talking about how the quality of friends you keep often dictates the quality of energy you keep. 

We all know that there’s the family we are born to and the family we choose. Our chosen family, our dearest friends, can be a source of incredible love and support, and can help us to evolve into the people we are destined to become. 

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Tending To The Subtle Body

Ok, maybe it’s not the sexiest topic out there but stay with me, this gets good. 

Especially after the crazy few years we’ve had with Covid, we all know too well about the importance of personal hygiene to prevent germs and viruses, right? 

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Best Online Yoga Nidra Training YET!

How are you?

You’re receiving this email because you’ve either registered or shown interest in my Yoga Nidra teacher training.

Whether you would like to learn to teach Yoga Nidra like an expert or have previously registered for my training and would like to dive deeper or have support to finish this in-depth training, I’ve built a course just for you. 

When: June 10–11; 17–18, 2023

8 am to 12 pm MDT or 4–8 pm CET

This is a 20-hour live and online course designed to support anyone who is going trough my Yoga Nidra teacher training, Facilitating Transformation with the Yoga of Sleep. 

My Yoga Nidra teacher training is rated among the best online Yoga Nidra teacher trainings in the world. This course allows you to go deeper into the vast and fascinating subject of Yoga Nidra than you could with just the online course alone.

It gives you the motivation and encouragement to finish the course so you’re ready to teach when it’s done. It also provides you with opportunities to teach to a wonderful cohort and gives you personalized attention about how you can make a unique impact on your students with Yoga Nidra

Returning Students

If you have already purchased my online Yoga Nidra training, this course will support you to complete the course, offer you a wonderful opportunity to work with a cohort to practice teaching, and will allow you to receive personalized attention about your UNIQUE perspective and need for Yoga Nidra.

New Students

If you are a new teacher, you will also purchase and watch the online course in tandem with attention this live support course. This allows you to have the best Yoga Nidra leaning experience possible. It gives you a wonderful cohort of like-minded people, allows you to ask live questions, gives you the opportunity to practice teaching with other students, and gives you individualized attention to your comments, questions, and how YOU will make a difference by teaching Yoga Nidra. 

best online yoga nidra teacher training

Let me (re)introduce myself or reintroduce myself. 

I’m scott Moore, senior yoga and mindfulness teacher, author and creator of Waking Up with the Yoga of Sleep, a celebrated and revolutionary style of Yoga Nidra, rated among the top 2 online Yoga Nidra teacher trainings in the world. I’ve been teaching yoga since 2003 and Yoga Nidra distance 2008. I’m also a registered school of yoga and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. My books include: Practical Yoga Nidra, 20 Yoga Nidra Scripts Vol. 1 (included in this course), and 5-MInute Manifesting Journal. 

I’ve spent the past 20 years studying, practicing, and teaching yoga , Yoga Nidra and meditation. I’ve been teaching and mentoring other teachers for over 15 years and I’ve discovered that EACH TEACHER is unique and powerful in their ability to reach  certain people better than anybody else. 

It’s my passion to help you find your voice as a teacher and to show you how to find those students who are waiting for you. 

This course is designed to give you the personalized attention you need to maximize your impact as a Yoga Nidra facilitator. 

How this course works:

On your own timeline, you will review the contents of the pre-recorded online training and then we meet for 4 5-hour live, online Zoom sessions to go deeper, expand the concepts, ask questions and offer comments, and especially to practice teaching each other Yoga Nidra.

Pre-recorded online portion

The online portion is a robust course with:

  • Engaging video lectures where we study both the what and why of Yoga Nidra as well as how to become an extraordinary facilitator that makes a difference in the lives of your students. We explore stories and myths, science and psychology.

  • Specialized Yoga Nidra practices designed to help you become an extraordinary Yoga Nidra facilitator (cool!)

  • PDF with breathing and mindfulness practices that you can use for yourself and print off to give to your students

  • Sections about how to become a successful Yoga Nidra instructor, meaning how to incorporate your Yoga Nidra skills into an existing class, create a stand-alone Yoga Nidra class, create workshops, courses, retreats, etc and market yourself to get paid what you’re worth to offer this amazing skill to the world. 

20-Hour Live Zoom Portion

Then when we come together online, we can go deeper into the subject and practice teaching. I understand that every teacher brings something unique to the mix and I want to help you discover or optimize what your gifts are. 

When you’ve completed the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion as well as continuing education hours for Yoga Alliance if you are registered with them. 

Included in this course is:

  • 160+ page detailed manual

  • Lifetime access to the complete 50-hour online training

  • Lifetime access to the full audio and video recordings of the live online training

  • A library of dozens of Yoga Nidra recordings

  • Over 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts so you can start teaching right away

  • A course of profound relaxation (think how much your family members and coworkers are going to love you!)

  • A deeper understanding of Self through the practice of Yoga Nidra

  • Certificate of completion

I believe in the principle of adopting, adapting, then innovating. Like I mentioned, you get my booklet of Yoga Nidra scripts so you can adopt the principles right away and teach quality and specialized Yoga Nidra classes such as:

  • Yoga Nidra for Grief

  • Yoga Nidra for Goals

  • Yoga Nidra for Healing

  • Yoga Nidra for Sleep

  • Yoga Nidra for Stress

  • Yoga Nidra for Relaxed Alertness

  • And more

You’ll begin to adapt those scripts to sound more and more like you. Then using the principles you learn in the training, you’ll be able to innovate by creating your own style of Yoga Nidra done in only the way you can do it, and more importantly made for the people who are going to receive this practice from you better than anybody else. 

If you’ve been thinking of becoming a Yoga Nidra teacher this is really the opportunity to maximize your training and truly become the best Yoga Nidra facilitator possible. 

If you’ve already taken some version of my training and would like to get a refresher or some support to finish the course, this is both the opportunity to have the most support possible as well as to get the most up-to-date information. 

I’m so confident that you’ll love this training that I’ll offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Please join me!

Working Smarter Not Harder

In the beginning, I did what most yoga teachers do …


At one point, I was regularly teaching 27 classes a week, any class I could get, including the 6 am classes that nobody else wanted to teach, including private yoga clients who would sometimes cancel at the last minute. 

Ironic, isn’t it—running around like a mad person all day so you can rush into a yoga studio and preach to people about chilling out?  It was both unsustainable and exhausting. I mean, a person can only teach so many classes a day. I’d plateaued in my career. Something had to change. 

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My Best Online Yoga Nidra Training

My next Yoga Nidra training is coming up and I want to tell you all about it. I believe it’s the best online Yoga Nidra training because it mixes both live and pre-recorded elements which allows you both the privilege of learning the core principles on your own timeline as well as the power of a personalized attention to ask questions along with your small cohort.

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It's Not About Me. It's About You.

20 years ago, I was struggling to be a yoga teacher. I thought, “It’s time to give this up and get a ‘REAL’ job.” One night, I informed my class that I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to keep this up. After class, one woman, Cristy, approached me and with tears in her eyes, she informed me...

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