Yoga Nidra Training Starts Monday

Hey, there! I hope you find yourself full of gratitude, wonder, and happiness. 


I’m back in the States to teach some workshops and a yoga + writing retreat and I’m loving it but that isn’t why I’m writing today. 


Today I’m writing because we are only DAYS away from the start of my next Yoga Nidra training and I’d really love for you to be a part of it. It starts Monday with a live welcome zoom where we can all connect, see our cohort, and push go on this thing.


I’m always talking about Yoga Nidra cuz it’s a complete life-changer—it’s incredibly easy to do, available to anyone, very relaxing but at the same time, immensely transformational. If you don’t know already, Yoga Nidra like a guided meditation that uses layered awareness and systematized relaxation to help you enter the Nidra state, an in-between waking/dreaming state that helps you remember/discover the part of you that is always whole and perfect. It is a simple and effective way of learning to hear the wise soul inside of you. 


Also, when you practice Yoga Nidra and experience this wholeness, any dysregulated, unbalanced, or limited parts of your being can return to their natural state of completeness. You leave feeling rested, alive, and in love with life. 


Yoga Nidra is napping your way to enlightenment. No joke. 


But enlightenment aside, you might come to Yoga Nidra for the concentrated rest for ease, focus, and clarity. You might come to Yoga Nidra for a natural, effective, and lasting mode of stress relief. You might come to Yoga Nidra to rewrite old habits, programming, or self-limiting beliefs.


But no matter why you might be personally interested in Yoga Nidra, here’s the deal— think beyond yourself. Think of all the people who you might be able to help in this world by facilitating Yoga Nidra to help them make lasting transformation in their lives. Think about all the people who you could impact better than anybody else because of your unique voice, experience, and proximity. You can affect deep and lasting transformation in the lives of the people near you through the quiet power of Yoga Nidra. 


I’ve built this training for you. This Yoga Nidra training is perfect for you whether you are:

  • A yoga or meditation teacher that wants to stand out from the crowd

  • A parent or teacher who wants to make a difference in the lives of your kids or students

  • A therapist or coach who wants more tools to benefit the unique needs of your clients 


This training is for anyone who wants to help make a profound and lasting difference for others. 

Monday starts my best training yet. It’s also my most versatile, expansive, and flexible for your time schedule. 


Yoga Nidra Scott Moore rest relaxation class

Let’s face it, for whatever reason most people wait until the last few days to register for these things and whether or not you’ve been thinking of joining a Yoga Nidra training, now’s the time to join this one. 


What you get in this training that you won’t in others:

  • Superb quality—organized, easy to follow, and dynamic as per your learning style.

  • In-depth study—you’ll graduate a Yoga Nidra expert.

  • Highly effective—this training is ranked among the top 3 Yoga Nidra trainings in the world by Mind Is the Master.

  • Works with your schedule. This course consists of both pre-recorded online content AND live Zoom sessions so you can learn the core principles on your own timeline as well as have tons of live Zoom time with me to practice teaching, connect with your cohort, and to dive deep into your unique questions and needs for Yoga Nidra.

  • You’ll learn how to generate your own, well-paying teaching opportunities. Other yoga and Yoga Nidra trainings may teach you how to teach but this training will pay for itself as it shows you how to get paid to share your skills with the world.

  • Be original! Most trainings teach you to be a rote version of your teacher. This training teaches you the larger principles, roadmaps, and concepts that allow you to tap into the wise teacher inside of you to be a truly effective teacher by teaching from the power of your own voice.

  • This training is incredibly flexible so you can learn the core principles when it works best for you.

  • Over 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts so you can start teaching expert and specialized Yoga Nidra classes right away as you are discovering and refining your own voice as a teacher. 

  • Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credit.


Click here for more details, schedule, pricing, and please reach out with any questions. 

YOU can make a massive difference in people’s lives through the relaxing, accessible, and effective skill of teaching Yoga Nidra. 

I only offer this a few times a year and now is the time to join. It would be an honor to have you take this training with me.