It's Not About Me. It's About You.

Getting A “REAL” JOB

Did you know that private yoga mentoring is a thing? Also, whether you’re a yoga or meditation teacher, any teacher, therapist, coach or anything, there are group business mentorships available too. I want to share a few things I’ve learned and here’s how I learned them.

20 years ago, I was struggling to be a yoga teacher. 

I thought, “It’s time to give this up and get a ‘REAL’ job.”

One night, I informed my class that I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to keep this up. 

After class, one woman, Cristy, approached me and with tears in her eyes, she informed me quite matter-of-factly, “You can’t give this up. I have 4 kids at home under the age of 4 and what you do allows me to do what I do. You’ve gotta teach this class.”

I was taken aback. I’d only been teaching a few years and I didn’t realize that my teaching actually made a difference in people’s lives. 

What’s more is that Cristy helped me realize that whatever job I might have (“REAL” or not) I wanted to do something that made a difference in people’s lives. 

So, I dug in deep and figured out how to make this passion of teaching yoga a “REAL” job by striving to make a difference in people’s lives. 

It worked. 

Maybe too well.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Fast Forward a few years, and I’m literally teaching 27 classes (I pause for effect…) A WEEK trying to make ends meet. 

Completely unsustainable. I discovered that I was actually limiting my impact by trying to offer too much.  

Then, I learned how to cut back so that eventually I was teaching fewer than 10 classes a week but earning 4 times as much. Crazy! 

Then I hit another roadblock. 

I mean, I’d kinda reached the pinnacle of what I could do in that old model of doing it. Great gigs were coming out of the woodwork and I had the enviable position of giving most of them to other teachers. 

I had long since proven that following my passion could turn into  a “REAL” job, but in the spirit of keeping it “REAL” I also discovered that I had plateaued…again. I realized that the Universe was asking me to figure out how to expand my career to the next level, specifically to learn how to reach more people, how to make a bigger impact. 

I dug in deep and figured it out, or should I say, I’m still figuring it out. Either way, the results have encouraged me to keep going. 

Fast forward a few more years and I’m floored and taken aback to receive emails from people from all over the world, people whom I have never met before, telling me about the kind of positive impact I’ve made on their lives by offering my gifts in the form of yoga and especially Yoga Nidra. 

Honestly, I feel immensely blessed to be able to help people in this way and to do it while making a better living than I ever thought possible as a yoga and meditation teacher. 

Just The Beginning

Do I think I’ve “made it"? 

Not even close. Honestly, I know enough to understand that this is just the beginning. 

And more importantly, one major thing I’ve learned along the way is that the more I offer my gifts to the world, the more we both evolve in spirit, energy, and love. 

But this isn’t about me, not really. 

This is about you. Yes, you. 

make a difference

There are people in the world who desperately need what only you can offer and or maybe in the way that only you can offer it. 

I fundamentally believe in abundance, that there’s more than enough to go around if we will all just learn to share who we are and what we have with the world. 

One thing that I have and want to share is a bit of knowledge about how you can make a bigger impact on the world while also making a great living doing what you love to do. I want to share this with you so that the world becomes a better place because you are sharing your gifts.

Man, I wish I knew then what I do now. One thing I do know is that you have a calling to make a difference in the world and I’d like to help you to learn to get the word out. 

For many years I’ve been mentoring other teachers 1:1 how to make a bigger impact and make a better living. It’s one of the most rewarding things I do. 

Yoga Mentoring and Business Mentoring

But for the first time ever, I’m starting a 20-hour small-group business mentoring training where I will teach you step-by-step how to figure out who you are and what your gifts are, who your ideal client is, and how to connect the dots with a message and the means to change lives. I’ll be teaching you my system, cuz it works, a system which I call the Mechanism of Influence that organically attracts your ideal clients, enables you to use your gifts to invite and encourage them to stretch into who they are destined to become, and one which feeds you back in the form of money, energy, and most of all love. 

My 1:1 mentor programs are geared to be a personalized intensive on your teaching or business. The personal and financial investment is larger and the return on your investment is massive. 

This new small-group business mentoring program affords you much of the same information but with the added resource of a cohort, a small group of like-minded individuals. It also makes this information available at a greatly reduced price. 

We start this weekend, January 28th and 29th, from 9 am–2:30 pm MT then again the following weekend, Feb 4–5. Sessions will be live via Zoom and recorded so you can watch the replay as often as you wish which helps if you can’t make all of the live sessions. 

Either my personal mentor program or the small-group business mentor program is perfect whether you want to improve your main hustle or build a side-hustle. It’s also perfect for any kind of teacher, therapist, coach, or conscious entrepreneur. 

Are you like me? Do you want to learn how to share your gifts with the world by turning your passions and desire to help people into a “REAL” job, then a “REALLY” good job?

Please consider joining me for either a personal 1:1 mentor program or joining my small-group business mentoring program which starts this weekend. I can’t wait and I’d love to have you join. 

The world is waiting.