Inbox Namaste

Um … can I point out something uber obvious: You’re reading this likely because of an email you received.

Before making a website, I had a newsletter list.

Before opening a yoga studio, I had a newsletter list.

Before becoming independent from any one studio or even one location, I had a newsletter list. 

Even more than my website, my newsletter list is my primary business tool. 

Back in the crazy days of my career, when I was teaching 27 classes a week and cutting my teeth as a yoga and meditation teacher, I needed something to let people know my schedule and what events I had going on etc. Simple enough, right?

But soon, I soon realized what invaluable resource emails are. They helped me go deeper with my teaching as well as my ability to build and maintain a teaching relationship with my students. 

I mean, often, the topic of what I want to teach in class is so incredibly rich that I could spend the entire class waxing poetic about the ins and outs and intricacies of a particular subject, sharing poetry and stories and going on and on. 

But as a teacher, (and tell me if you’ve ever experienced this) you can feel the exact moment when you’ve lost people, when you’ve said too much. People’s eyes start to glaze over and they start looking at their watches wondering when they are finally going to move their bodies or start meditation for Ganesha’s sake!

As I began sending emails regularly, I discovered something even more important than just adding liner notes to the yoga class:

If I were lucky I might reach a couple hundred students in a week. But with my newsletter, I reach several thousands … even when I went on vacation. 

I soon realized that my students may come to class once or perhaps even a few times during the week, but everyone comes to their inbox about a billion times a day. There’s just such a big opportunity to make a big and positive impact with my students with a little inbox namaste.

And those who don’t want to see me in their inbox any more, well they have already unsubscribed. No hard feelings. Namaste.

But for those who do appreciate receiving regular emails from me, the feedback has been amazing! 

Oftentimes, on the first day of a yoga retreat, I’m welcoming all of my guests and sometimes shaking hands with people I’ve never met before. I ask, “How did you hear about this retreat?” and they will almost always say, “Your newsletter.”

Other times people may have been regular students but had to stop because life got busy or they had a baby or moved away but thanks to my emails, we can still stay connected in the conversation of yoga. 

Sending these emails isn’t just an opportunity for me to share my stories and yet another Mary Oliver poem (never enough Mary Oliver). More than that it’s a way to build a relationship. It’s a way for me to spark something that will invite you to share YOUR story. 

Regularly, I get emails back from people saying things like, “I read your emails regularly and they really make a difference in my life. Thanks. Your story reminds me of a story in my own life …” and people often connect with a story of their own. So awesome!

Because here’s the deal: the true work, here, is people connecting with people. Yoga, mediation, and these emails are just the delivery system for that connection.

I believe that YOU have a message for the world. 

Email is the primary medium of our age. 

I’ve been a student of email marketing for more than 15 years, I’ve taken courses on how to do it effectively, and my investment in time and money has paid off beautifully. 

I’d love to explore with you what I’ve learned about how to share a message through emails. 

I’m offering a live, online training devoted to building and/or improving your business emails to help you share your message and make a bigger impact with your students, clients, and the world.

Some of the topics we’ll explore:

  • Why emails are 40x more effective for marketing than social media

  • How to build your email list

  • How to create an endless supply of topics

  • The magic word count for emails (likely shorter than you think)

  • Why you don’t need to be a good writer to send great emails

  • The power of storytelling

  • The power of a good subject line

  • Automated emails to simplify your life and effectively onboard your clients to gain their trust

  • Frequency of your emails

  • How to write simple, engaging content 

  • How to choosing a professional email service that is right for you

  • Analyzing the data: open rates, click rates, and A-B testing

  • How and why to create your VIP list

I’m going to distill down the essentials of more than 15 years of experience for you in this essential 4-hour training. 

email marketing

It’s going to be held live and online via Zoom on July 22nd, 8 am to 12 pm MDT. Watch live and/or watch the replay. 

You have an important message that the world needs to hear. 

Let me show you how to do it or how to share your message bigger and better. 

I hope you’ll join me. 

Register before July 6 and get $10 off with promo code: earlyemail