My Best Online Yoga Nidra Training

best yoga nidra training

My next Yoga Nidra training is coming up and I want to tell you all about it. I believe it’s the best online Yoga Nidra training because it mixes both live and pre-recorded elements which allows you both the privilege of learning the core principles on your own timeline as well as the power of a personalized attention to ask questions along with your small cohort.

Last week I finished leading a mind-blowing small-group business training. Completely rewarding in a cornucopia of ways. 

Everyone in our small group learned so much—ESPECIALLY ME. 

One of the things I found so valuable with this small-group business training was how a small group of supportive people can be such a powerful engine for creativity, support, and perspective. 

I’ll definitely do this again in case you’re interested in joining. 

By far the most important idea we explored in this training was the notion that your business isn’t just the way you make money and provide for yourself and your family. Rather, it’s a mechanism for self-discovery, it illuminates what you love and your gifts for this world, and gives you a way to share that love with the world in the form of your craft. 

My love, my craft? I love Yoga Nidra. 

I love Yoga Nidra because it’s personally transformed my life in both small and profound ways. I love it because it’s given me first-hand, experiential knowledge that what I truly am is so much larger than all of the smaller ways we all tend to identify as. I love it because with this experience of my larger being, I am freer to live and love full out in this world. 

I don’t know if you get more than one turn on this planet, but for my money, I want to live this life to its fullest and Yoga Nidra helps me to live each day seeing the miraculous in the mundane, the everything in the every-day. 

One of my greatest loves in this life is to share Yoga Nidra with others as well as to train others how to also share it with the people that they are in contact with. I love teaching others how to teach Yoga Nidra because I sincerely believe that each person is given a unique personality, perspective, and proximity to a particular population such that they are able to positively impact other people in a way that nobody else can. 

To put a finer point on it, I believe that there is an expert Yoga Nidra teacher inside of YOU and that you will be able to impact your students, clients, and people in ways that nobody else can. 

My next hybrid live and online Yoga Nidra training is coming up, it starts on February 18th. We’ll meet on weekends with a 2-week break for processing and learning. It’s a hybrid of both my robust existing online Yoga Nidra training, as well as live, online Zoom session. 

The pre-recorded online training allows you to explore all the core principles of Yoga Nidra facilitation on your own timeline and the live Zoom sessions with a small group gives you the chance to grow in the incredible synergy of a cohort. 

If you’ve already taken my training, either live or just online, you can join as a refresher at a greatly reduced price. This allows you to practice teaching, ask more refined questions, and learn anything you didn’t pick up the first time around. 

We have a free Zoom welcome session Saturday, February 11th at 9 am MST (5 pm CET) for anyone who has either registered or who is INTERESTED in registering. I’ll explain how everything works and allow us all to get to know each other and ask questions. Either way, fill out the registration form to get the Zoom link and essential information and we’ll take it from there. 

I can’t wait for this training to start and I hope that you’ll join me for the next incredible small-group learning experience, one that will help you stand out as a teacher, coach, or therapist, and help you make a massive impact on the world.