Live Online Yoga Nidra Class

Virtual Yoga Nidra Class

Live Virtual Yoga Nidra Class

It’s getting crazy out there with the worries over the COVID-19 and the one sure thing we can do to help change the world is to first change ourselves. Let’s tune into our best selves and allow that to lead us forward into helping ourselves and everyone through these difficult times. Yoga Nidra is perhaps the best way I can think of to change your state in the immediate to affect BEING the change you wish to see in the world. So, if you’re being cautious and would like to both practice public spacing AND experience community, please register for my live, online Yoga Nidra class, every Sunday at 9 am MST.

What Is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga is the practice of arriving to Oneness. Nidra means sleep, or that liminal state between waking and dreaming that acts like a bridge between many seemingly disparate parts of our being. Yoga Nidra employs relaxation as a special tool to not only help you travel that bridge between these different parts of your being into Oneness but also, on a practical level, help you to regularly achieve deep and nourishing rest. They say that 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is like giving yourself a 2 hour nap! Join me for our next session, Sunday, March 15th at 9 am MST where we practice experiencing ourselves in our True Nature while also becoming very relaxed.

Once you register, you will be able to join me at the appointed time from your computer or smartphone, in the comfort of your own home, where the only virus you have to worry about is whatever computer virus already lurks on your machine. Seriously though, it’s really nice. Plus, you can register even if the time doesn’t work because each person who registered gets a full audio and audio/video recording of the event to review whenever you wish. That and it’s totally affordable.

Click Below to Register and Check Out My Online Training.