Yoga Nidra: The Yoga Of Sleep

Yoga Nidra: The Yoga of Sleep

I’ve been practicing Yoga Nidra since 2005 and have been teaching it since 2008. Yoga Nidra has taught me more about myself and the Universe than perhaps any other practice. It has also personally facilitated some of the most illuminating, spiritual, healing, experiences of my life and has truly shaped me into who I am today. It’s changed my entire world view and has changed the way I approach life, teach yoga, and understand myself and the purpose for existence.

I absolutely love Yoga Nidra! Yoga Nidra is often called the “yoga of sleep.” a very approachable yet effective way of experiencing the Oneness of your being through the process of a relaxing journey through deepening layers of Awareness. Yoga Nidra acts kind of like a guided meditation, where practitioners lie down, close their eyes and listen to a facilitator (teacher) lead to experience themselves as Awareness itself. The fact that Yoga Nidra is so easy to practice and often leaves practitioners feeling rested, illuminated, and calm, makes this a popular, simple, and effective way of exploring one’s higher Self. Yoga Nidra is like napping your way to enlightenment!

Yoga Nidra: Shaping Lives

I have also seen Yoga Nidra transform the lives of countless students, facilitating everything from spiritual growth such as connecting with their Eternal being to tapping in to a wise inner teacher to hear vital personal direction. Students love telling me about how Yoga Nidra has helped them with practical issues like getting better sleep, managing stress, and lowering blood pressure, to name only a few.

I truly believe that Yoga Nidra can change the world by helping people to be the very best and illuminated versions of themselves. Sharing Yoga Nidra is one of my primary missions in life and I’m thrilled to be spreading the news of this transformational practice around the world.

Mayakoshas and Removing the Mask Illusions

Yoga Nidra is but one practice that leads people to experience their highest Selves and to come to the ultimate state of Oneness with all things. The explicit purpose for Yoga Nidra is to layer your attention through the illusions of the ego (the mayakoshas) in order to dis-identify as the ego and instead identify as Awareness itself. These layers of illusion are:

  • Anamaya kosha, or animal layer

  • Pranamaya kosha or energy layer

  • Manomaya kosha or emotions/thoughts layer

  • Vijnanamaya kosha or dreaming, unconscious, beliefs, and symbols layer

  • Anandamaya kosha or bliss layer

Yoga Nidra helps a person to recognize these parts of themselves to explore the part of themselves that can simply witness these parts. Soon a person appreciates these changeable parts of their being as the primary way to illuminate that which is unchanging, their True Nature, that of Awareness itself. Doing so heals what I feel is the fundamental human problem which is feeling separate from Source.

Yoga Nidra for Healing

I believe that wellness is the byproduct of Awareness and as such, the Awareness a practitioner may experience through Yoga Nidra can catalyze myriad other kinds of transformations in many practical and useful ways such as help with stress, grief, setting goals, starting your day, getting great sleep, achieving a state of relaxed alertness, and even creating abundance in your life. These are just a few of the many topics you’ll find in my Yoga Nidra recordings.

Yoga Nidra Training

If you’re interested in learning how to facilitate this incredible practice in the power and authenticity of your own voice to bless the lives of 1:1 clients, classes, and yourself, I invite you to look at my live Yoga Nidra trainings or Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training.